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Germany Job Seeker Visa

Note – Dolphin Capital Pvt. Ltd does not provide any advice, assistance or support for obtaining job offer from Germany. Dolphin Capital Pvt. Ltd only provides documentation assistance for different visa categories.

Germany Job Seeker Visa is a long term residence permit that allows you to stay in Germany for six months and look for work on your own. Through this visa, Germany intends to attract highly educated skilled immigrants who are able to meet the requirements of country’s skills shortage. The job seeker visa is valid for a period of 6 months. If an applicant has been successful in finding a work within this period, he/she can convert the Job Seeker visa into a long-term residence permit.

Germany – A wonderful Destination for Immigrants

Vibrant large cities, fairy-tale castles and villages, breath-taking nature from the North Sea to the Alps: Germany is a country with a thousand faces! Germany is the economic engine of Europe and it is one of the richest and safest countries of the world. Its educational system is free and highly competitive

Highly skilled workers (particularly the STEM graduates) are in great demand in Germany because of the demographic shift. In Germany, you have the opportunity to discover new professional perspectives and to develop yourself freely in your professional and private life.

Key Benefits of Germany Job Seeker Visa

Here are the key benefit of this popular Germany visa:

  • The job seeker visa allows you to stay in Germany and look out for suitable work for yourself
  • After getting a long term work opportunity, you can apply for residence permit
  • On completion 5 years on residence permit, you can apply for permanent residency in Germany

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicant must be a holder of Bachelor Degree or Master’s Degree from German Universities or foreign degrees equivalent to German Degrees.
  • Applicant must have minimum of five years’ experience related to the field of studies.
  • Applicant must show the proofs of sufficient funds to support his/her stay in Germany.
  • Applicant must have travel or medical insurance to cover the entire period of the stay until residence permit is granted.
  • Applicant is required to show Minimum 3.5 lakhs in liquid cash

Dolphin Capital Pvt. Ltd provides vital documentation assistance for Germany Job Seeker Visa

Dolphin Capital Pvt. Ltd being the foremost Immigration Documentation Consultancy Service in India, provides you crucial documentation assistance to apply Germany Job Seeker Visa. The qualified immigration experts here provide you the stage wise document checklist along with the document samples for your reference.

The experts at Dolphin Capital Pvt. Ltd also assist you with the essential inputs wherever necessary to ensure that you prepare an error free documents file, and subsequently, submit the application well within the time.

DISCLAIMER: Dolphin Capital Pvt. Ltd is primarily an immigration advisory company that offer consultation for world wide immigration options. Dolphin Capital Pvt. Ltd is not associated with any government authority or department of immigration and we don’t deal in any type of job or job assistance services.

Visa Assessment Form

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